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Kamis, 30 September 2021

What a Journey on Earth These Days

OH hello World!

Pheewww its been a while since i  log in again into this writting session here, lo tof stuff been done and been happening in a real world living.. 

Most  importantly is the World Has been Struggling alot to fight againts the Deadly Virus that has been spread around recenty... and its almost 2 years in a row, we human living together with this virus. And the world still trying hard to ecosist living, to live together witih the kind of virus that living...

We are all currently still trying to fight againts it.. and now the world is trying to make the cure till today  to kill this virus. government and medical praticioner and also laboratories still trying to make the cure of this virus.

Currently we already has several kind of vaccine that already made to minimize the spreading of this virus, the virus named Corona or Covid- 19 code. Several Virus that made are Sinovac, Astrazeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, and some others.. all is not curing the virus just to minimize the spreading to make heard immunity, where 80 % of the sociaty already injected with the vaccine so that the spreading be under control.

Some Expert Said that this virus not gonna be vanish from this world 100%, and this gonna stay like so many others virus that still exist till today but we can living with it and has the cure like a usual influenza or flu virus.

I already had my Vaccination several months ago, 2 times vaccine type sinovac. and only the 1st one has any side effect on me like having a headache and fever for 2 days. and thats all..

Now, the vaccination on several country is a mandatory to have, in indonesia itself we have to take the vaccination becoz if not we cannot go travel interstate of inside the country travelling around the province. And if you gonna get enter some facilities like Restaurant, private Facilities like Office, School and others we have to show the Card Sign of Our vaccination. And Have to make a Login or Scan activities with an Application called Peduli Lindungi where it will shows and trace our mobilization of each citizen and our current Health Record.

Well thats all the update for these days,  

Hope We are all stay Safe and Healthy and Still can Survive the Virus that has been killed Million People on Earth. 


Minggu, 22 April 2018

Pengurusan Perpanjangan SIM C Lampung / Bandar Lampung

Hay hay hayyy guys  bagaimana kabar kamu hari INI?  Wish yall have a very good day and a great week...

Nah hari INI aku sekedar mau share pengalaman perpanjang SIM nih a.k.a Surat Izin Mengemudi...
Berhubung aku bertempat tinggal di Bandar Lampung jadi berikut aku mau cerita sedikit pengalaman perpanjangan sim di bandar lampung, sim c ya guys coz aku naik kuda besi kemana-mana, lebih praktis gesit ngebut Wuzzzzzz....wuzz... Hahahah (padahal belom bisa afford Mobil pribadi, maklum mask numpang ama Ortu..hahaha)

Jadi kalo kamu pada yang berdomisili di  Bandar Lampung mau melakukan perpanjangan SIM kamu punya dua opsi untuk urus perpanjangannya, yaitu:
1. SIM Corner Chandra Superstore or di Mall Martini
2. Langsung ke Polres Kota Bandar Lamping yang ada di gotong royong deket Central Plaza or Artomoro lahhh namanya tuh jaman dahulu kala...hahahah
Senin pagi lalu aku Uda bangun Pagi2 and siapin semua Persyaratan pengurusan Perpanjangan  SIM:
1. SIM lama fotocopy 2 lembar
2. KTP fotocopy 2 lembar ( yahhh baiknya lebihin aka sih copynya Dr pads kurang kan,,,hehee)
3. Surat Keterangan Kesehatan (bisa dari  dokter or bisa minta ke puskesmas biasanya kena biaya 15rb)

Terus mandii pagii ga sempet sarapan...bangunin adek pagi2 buat nemenin aku brangkat..hahaha jadilah awalnya kita berangkat ke SIM Corner Chandra disna kita nyampe sekitar jam 8:30...
Sesampainya disana taunya lumayan uda pada rame yang antri...tapi tu sim corner masi tutup padahal harusnya jam buka sesuai dengan jadwal yg tertera disitu yaitu pukul 7:30 pagi...alhasil kita semua nunggu sampe jam 10:30 an gitu baru Mongol satu orang pak polisi

Dan dia masuk ke dalam lantas keluar lagi dengan selembar kertas Bertuliskan " .........." Dan si pak polisi suruh kita semua urus aja langsung ke Polresta

Bete làhhh sudaahhh kita semua... Apalagi ada loh Bapak dan Ibuk2 yang uda nunggu dari jam 7 pagi disana wowwwww.... Sim corner harus banyak berbenah yahhh kedepanya..
Lanjut akhirnya aku dan Adek Ku brangkat ke Polresta Bandar Lampung, sesampainya disana parkir motor di arah belakang pas di depan gedung bagian Pengurusan SIM, trus masuk aka deh ntar di sana ada meja conter tempat kamu bisa bertanya dan dapatkan formulir perpanjangan sim. Selanjutnya mbak2 dan Max karyawan dstu bakal kasi kamu arahan jelas step by step pengurusannya, yang aku rangkum sebagai berikut yah guys:


Step extend License :

  1. Ke Polresta
  2. Masuk ke loket SIM dibagian belakang
  3. Diarahkan u test psikologi (biaya 75000) Test 10 menit .. lokasi dekat Polresta cuma 50m
  4. Test kesehatan Dibelakang Polresta ( biaya 35rb) lokasi tepat dibelakang polresta klinik kecil disediakan untuk syarat pengurusan sim
  5. Kembali ke loket Sim serahkan Fotocopy KTP, Serta Sim lama, dan hasil test psikotest dan kesehatan
  6. Diberikan Formulir untuk di isi
  7. Setelah isi Formulir kembali ke Loket
  8. Diarahkan Untuk Membayar Biaya perpanjangan SIM di bank BRi( biaya 75000 ) Lokasi Bank di sebelah Loket SiM
  9. Setelah membayar mendapatkan tanda bukti bayar, kembali ke Loket Pengurusan Sim.
  10. Serahkan Bukti bayar dan form2 lainnya Kemudian di minta menunggu untuk verifikasi berkas
  11. Setelah nama di panggil, berkas2 sim di serahkan kembali
  12. Di arahkan untuk duduk di depan Loket Sim Menunggu untuk nama Pembuat SIM di panggil
  13. Nama di panggil di Loket Selanjutnya Untuk Pengambilan Foto dan Sidik Jari
  14. Masuk Keruangan Pengambilan Foto membawa berkas2 SIM
  15. Menunggu Giliran Di Foto dan Pengambilan sidik jari dan tanda tangan..
  16. Pengambilan Foto dll
  17. Menunggu kembali di luar
  18. NAMA Dipanggil Sim slesai

Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

Its 2018!!!

Oh my God its been another new year again!! For GoD shake!! What I been doing to my Life, iam so afraid of it.. I keep making such a waste of my Life and what do I have accomplish? Its nothing..
But over all I have to keep feeling BLessed of all, so many people out there that willing to have what I have... I still could breath the free air from God, enough food, shelter and cloth on my body... What else do I demand? Feeling gratitude is the key of happiness. To thank Allah for what I have and things that had been happen in my Life. To the future me, I hope you all keep ur kind heart and on the right path... Ameen may Allah Always be with us.

Kamis, 24 Agustus 2017


its been 2017, on august 25th 2017 tobe exact!
ive been postponed my writing on  this blog amost a year! for GODshake.. hhahaha
i guessi ve been so busy in Life...
and guess what? my life has been so suck and full of missary
ive been working now, at Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika, and these people where i working is such a dork and the lazy..
iam not happy to work in here but i think iam also getting influented by these people, and now iam being so lazy too to enroll for a new Job..
such a disappointment me!!
gotto do things to work it out! find away out...
ive been set a goal, that i ll stay on my ass here till 2018..thats maximum time!!! then i should go out of here no matter What!!!!
lets see..wheter i ll make it.. or back again like i usually do, Delaying my plan and all just become Words and stay a big bullshit word... goodbye!

Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

My 3 precious of me..

Sometimes I felt so scared if somebody accidentally "Read Me".. But I do wish that Someday I can Share all my Tons Journal since Junior (except one:coz my elementary's day J has disappeared) to the one that probably interested to know the True me behind all my Roles that I have/had played and still accept me for who Iam for every bad and good in me.. But it's not only limited to Romantically person, it could be whoever that I allow my heart to trust enough to opening it..(or including my future children?!? 😅)
I always tell my self, three things that Reflect me For Sure, to know the truth of me: My Journals + My Phone + My Social Media (which is all Getting Protected) .. there you go guys, haha I reveal my 3 precious..well, whatever.. Go find it inside my room or prolly in my bag..
#journal #Life #notes #adventure #MyLife

Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Lexa Heda & Wanheda

This is a Very Beautiful Story about two legendary warrior once who came & born at the sky and the other born on Earth...somehow the destiny unite them two to be a great leader of their each people, at such a young age.. they both having a lot in common..they had sacrifice  so many thing and so many people in their live in the name of protecting their own people ... They are both feeling lonely , push all the power to the limit and struggling to so many things.. that's why probably they kind of understand each other low key.. and there's Lexa Heda my Ultimate Favorite Heda of all times.. she is the strongest girl but also the softest whenever it come to her feeling & the lover.. Wanheda, the other.. She is so passionate, smart skykru the saviour of all people she is so strong even when she lost her lover she still could stand tall and carry on and holding all her tears and hurt.. these two lover is such a role nowadays of how beautiful love is but also in fact how hurtful love itself.. and Love actually is Killing!!
When Heda Die, I am in tears.. and my sadness stay for about a week.. I never felt this way to any fictional character before ..and When Heda Lexa Die, it's become such a Disaster to the World especially in Lgbt community..
I love this Series eventhough its against my idealistic mind.. iam not supporting Lgbtq things but iam not against them too.. I mean it's back to the people itself, whoever have their own right to choose the way they live as long as it wasn't hurt other or annoying or Harming other people..
I am a Lover.. I love whatever the Love story is! As long as it's A beautiful things , Love is Love they say.. Love doesn't always about sexual things.. Love is more deep than our physical intention..

You know right, what I am saying?! Iam not really good at speaking or writing my mind or my idea.. but yeah I think that's pretty sum my idea right now..

The Blessing Words from Wanheda To Heda Lexa always bring me in to tears.. like Everytime I read or Hear it..

" In Peace may you leave the Shore, In Love may you find the Next, Safe Passage on your Travels until our final Journey to the Ground.. May we meet again"

Those 👆 words are super sad.. I dunno whoever the writer that making those beautiful and sad words gain all my respect.. that's so touchy and warm blessing words... It's like a Goodbye for now but also a see you again for another time uniting..

So yeah guys...
Ai Gonplei No Ste Odon..

Credit picture to the maker + the owner.. the picture wasn't belong to me..

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

My Graduation

Well, guys so.. officially pada 09 mei 2014 lalu gue akhirnya WISUDA!! YAYYYY hahaha LOL *JungkirBalik *GulingGuling hahah jumpalitan kaga keruan..
Yah.. after been soooooo Looong gw ampir setaon lebih Kaga Nulis here i come, kasih tau kasih kabar kalo gue uda Wisuda Guys.. yep..
Setelah begitu banyak yg gue lalui, perjuangan yg cukup Intens, biza dikatakan perjuangan seorang diri lah coz well,gw uda pada ditinggal temen2 seangkatan laen coz mereka uda pada wisuda duluan,temen2 sohib gw yg gue kasihi & sayangi..

Yah That such a Great news guys jadi Gw uda wisuda ampir setaon Lalu, sorry not to sorry baru kasih kabar baru Inget lagi kalo gw punya Blog ini..hahaha

Eh di tulisan yg lalu gw Janjiin ya bakal Post Skripsionk Gw, well nantik ya guyz.  Heheh

But insyaAllah gw Bakal post, Coz gw tau banget gimana susahnya Bikin bikin skripsi ntu, apalagi kalo lo sendirian..and bolak balik kampus Revisi skripsi elu, sana sini di coret hasil kerja keras lu terus uda gitu di omelin pula sama dosen pembimbing coz elu lama lah lelet lah terus ngebosenin lah gak nyambunglah.. bla bla bla bla

#SoSad hahaha
Buat para pejuang skripsi! Yakin aja sob Lu pasti Lulus!! Pasti Wisuda!! Emang keliatannya di waktu itu kt ngerjain skripsi berasa mau mati belibet ribet susyenya.. tapi satu hal yg Kudu lu Inget!! Jangan Ampe ada di benak lo U berhenti apalagi DO! Semua ini bakal terlalui kok Guys,, Dosen pembimbing juga Lama2 bakal Bosen juga ngeladenin bimbingan elu, maka akan di mudahkannya suatu hari.. hehehe dan pasti akhirnya lo bakal Wisuda!! Gw udah ngalamin sob.. Trust me, Skripsi ini Bukan Apa2 ama Ujian Hidup Kedepannya yg lebih SEEEGGGEEERRRRR LAGII.. heheh Semangat!! 😂😂😂