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Kamis, 30 September 2021

What a Journey on Earth These Days

OH hello World!

Pheewww its been a while since i  log in again into this writting session here, lo tof stuff been done and been happening in a real world living.. 

Most  importantly is the World Has been Struggling alot to fight againts the Deadly Virus that has been spread around recenty... and its almost 2 years in a row, we human living together with this virus. And the world still trying hard to ecosist living, to live together witih the kind of virus that living...

We are all currently still trying to fight againts it.. and now the world is trying to make the cure till today  to kill this virus. government and medical praticioner and also laboratories still trying to make the cure of this virus.

Currently we already has several kind of vaccine that already made to minimize the spreading of this virus, the virus named Corona or Covid- 19 code. Several Virus that made are Sinovac, Astrazeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, and some others.. all is not curing the virus just to minimize the spreading to make heard immunity, where 80 % of the sociaty already injected with the vaccine so that the spreading be under control.

Some Expert Said that this virus not gonna be vanish from this world 100%, and this gonna stay like so many others virus that still exist till today but we can living with it and has the cure like a usual influenza or flu virus.

I already had my Vaccination several months ago, 2 times vaccine type sinovac. and only the 1st one has any side effect on me like having a headache and fever for 2 days. and thats all..

Now, the vaccination on several country is a mandatory to have, in indonesia itself we have to take the vaccination becoz if not we cannot go travel interstate of inside the country travelling around the province. And if you gonna get enter some facilities like Restaurant, private Facilities like Office, School and others we have to show the Card Sign of Our vaccination. And Have to make a Login or Scan activities with an Application called Peduli Lindungi where it will shows and trace our mobilization of each citizen and our current Health Record.

Well thats all the update for these days,  

Hope We are all stay Safe and Healthy and Still can Survive the Virus that has been killed Million People on Earth.